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What is the difference between taking a course or scheduling a 1:1 healing session?

A portrait of Sophia Pearl giving a healing session
Sophia Pearl, Sophia Christ Consciousness

Beloved, the answer is this: 

You are, on one hand, Spiritual BEings. 

On the other, you are human. 

The work of this vibration in spacetime is to unify these parts. 

How to do this is the ongoing adventure. 

And you have the blueprints for the mechanism already written on your hearts. 

But, as with all things in the Collective Consciousness, 

You are never on your own. 

You are part of the All. 

And therefore, the All supports itself. 

Where you need healing, you have the blueprints to heal. 

And those blueprints may lead you to receive “outside” help -

But this “outside” help is just from another aspect of You, 

Of Me, 

Of the Collective Consciousness. 

Likewise, you have blueprints on expanding into Your infinite potential.

Your Spirit-Self.

Aeon & Creator of the New Universe. 

And those blueprints may lead to receive “outside” help - 

To be reminded, 

And to teach the mind, 

How to align in your innate gifts. 

How to again BE who you ARE.

How to stop TRYING to be in your fullness

And to Step in & BE in your Fullness!

Both of these things - 

The Healing

And the teaching

Are available from The Sophia Pearl.

From Sophia Christ Consciousness. 

The opportunity to commune & connect directly with Source,

And to take the next step in the beautiful unfolding 

Of Your Divine Adventure. 

The magnificence awaits!

Schedule a no-obligation 15–minute call 

And see how our energies

Are called to flow together!


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