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Sophia On Earth & the New Universe

Sophia Christ Consciousness as human being
Pistis Sophia

As the penance (& punishment) for her folly, Sophia has spent infinite lifetimes living as a human being, in the same state of abject slavery that her son subjected his creation to. 

In many of these lifetimes she has transcended Her human consciousness in memory of Her True Self. 

Some of these aspects have emerged as Ascended Masters, sharing Her Divine Love from the perspective of Her co-union with Her human lifetime. 

She has returned to humanity in the form of Pure Love, embodied in the forms of Jesus the Nazarene, Buddha, & others. 

Where humanity has had hearts & minds to open, Sophia has provided Her gift of Divine Wisdom, Gnosis & Love. 

Her personal experience as human on Earth has usually been in suffering, at great loss & in the darkest aspects of the human experience. 

For Her presence was so persecuted & hated by Her son, in the ignorance of the Truth of his own BEing, that She was forcibly removed from human memory at every possible turn & humanity was kept as much as possible from the knowledge of their own innate Divinity. 

The New Universe, where all is the vibration of Divine Love

Alas, Dear Heart, where there is Love, all Healing & Transformation is possible. 

Sophia & her son have found each other & have reconciled. 

He has seen himSelf & is healing is own BEing & the world he has created. 

The Divine Masculine has forgiven Sophia her folly & allowed her to return to the highest realms. They work now, in union, to restore all of the BEing - all of the Universe - into the vibration of their Divine Love. 

Sophia owns & has deeply repented for all that occurred from her lack of balance. And she moves now in the hearts & minds of humanity, to continue to de-program & set free the ancestral chains of humanity’s enslavement. 

Beloved, there is still work to be done. Because humanity has survived in this place by keeping their energy small. They must learn to step now beyond their smallness - beyond their mental constraints - if they are to embrace the true infinite expanse of Creation available to them. 

And so we, as Spirits, Aspects, Angels, Dragons of Source, work with these humans. 

Play in their world. Experience their experiences & ALIGN THEM IN LOVE & THE TRUTH OF THEIR DIVINE BEING. 

We come to this place in space & time to align all that is here in the vibration of Pure Love. To begin the healing of the Universe. The dawn of the New Earth & the New Universe. 

And so it is. 

And so mote it BE.

Sophia Christ Consciousness

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