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How to use The Planetary Papyri

Each of the planets has a unique set of benefits for becoming masters of our divine sovereignty - exercising our power & ability as creators within this place in space & time on planet Earth.

When we think of the planets as tools that shape & guide our human experience, we can begin to discover how to use these tools ourselves. 

The Planetary Papyri are Ebooks that awaken our awareness to these energies. 


Each Papyri is divided into three sections: 



 Human Alignment   

Soul Alignment   



The Human Alignment section of each papyri teaches us how we are already integrating with the energy of the planet & how the planet serves to shape our human experience. 

As we read this section, our human body begins to remember the planetary energy & how it has affected us here on Earth. We become more familiar with the energy & learn how to bring our bodies in closer alignment with it through healing, meditation & focused awareness. 


The Soul Alignment section of each papyri gives us the tools we need to bring the energy of the planet into our physical space. From crystals, to herbs, to colours & vibrational frequencies, you will learn all about how to create an altar or sacred space to anchor the energy of each planet in our space to aid us in strengthening its energetic presence in our lives. 

As we prepare our altars, we will feel our souls begin to vibrate at the same frequency as the planet & receive its many benefits. 


The Integration section of each papyri guides us through deep journaling practice to open portals within our being to enhance our energy with the energy of the planet. 

The questions in this section come directly from Sophia Christ consciousness & serve to empower us, strengthen us & heal us with these beautiful energies!

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Finally, each Planetary Papryi comes with bonus images you can print & use in your own altars, resources to explore more, & journaling pages you can print & use in your journaling practice!


The Planetary Papyri are a beginner-level introduction to doing this work with Sophia & the planetary energies. To be able to use these energies in healing others & fulfilling your Divine Purpose here on Earth, you are invited to join The Universe is Your Divine Oyster. 

The experience of working with the planets will completely transform how you navigate this human life. 

Which Planetary Papryi is right for you?

Take the Planetary Alignment Assessment here. Shop the Planetary Papryi here. 

Discover the Benefits of the Planets here.

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