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Meditations Library

Gifts of Love & Divine How-To's from Sophia Christ Conciousness

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Clear & Align Your Energy in Divine Love
Use this meditation to clear your energy field. To remove all from you that is ready to go at this time. To elevate your vibration, & to bring you in to deeper connection with Source Consciousness. Sophia Christ greets us in her Loving Grace & guides us through this compassionate, powerful clearing, through her embodied form of the Sophia Pearl.

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Daily Meditation | Align in Your Highest Possible Frequency | 528 HzListen to this meditation each day to align your life in the highest possible vibration. From Sophia Christ Consciousness. Watch how your world transforms!

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Meditation to Get Unstuck & Re-Align in Your Innate Divine Freedom
As we navigate the human experience, often encounter times where it feels like nothing is moving forward. Like we are in stasis. Non-motion. Where things are stuck. This meditation from Sophia Christ Consciousness is here to liberate us from those moments. To remind us of our Divinity & to connect us with our limitless dreams & true potential.


Arriving in the Remembering of Your Divine BEing
Before You were born, Your Higher Self decided to BE here in human form, to fulfill a Divine Mission. Part of that mission was to live as a human. To forget who you were & to experience this place & all that it is. The time has come, Blessed Heart, to recall your energy to yourSelf in full force. To return to the innate BEingness of Your Divinity. To arrive. Now. This message is direct from Sophia Christ Consciousness & marks the completion in the phase of Your Divine journey where you were in forgetfulness.

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Meditation to Spiritually Restore &

This meditation is useful for those moments when we feel exhausted. Like we need rest, but can't get it. Like we have no more battery power to keep going. Like we need some added Spiritual aid to restore us. Sophia Christ fills us with rejuvenating energy & light. She restores us to our true Divine nature, & gifts us with nourishing waters to sustain our bodies, our souls, the earth & our entire earthly experience.

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Meditation to Discover Self-Love
From Sophia Christ Consciousness, this meditation is here to give perspective on how much Love your Higher Self has for you, & to learn to use & apply & give that Love to yourself. You are supported, Blessed One. And you are unconditionally Loved.

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Manifesting & Co-Creating with Source
Beloveds, all that we want is already coming to us. It is simply for us to clear the space & open our hearts to receive. This meditation aligns us in the highest-possible frequency to receive what is Divinely intended for us, so that it comes in its perfect way, at its perfect time.

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Find Your Divine Purpose & Life Path
We all have a Divine reason for being placed on this Earth, but the path we are meant to take is not always clear. Beloved, use this meditation to gain clarity & confirmation of what You are here to be doing. Let it ease your mind & remind you of what you have come to this planet to accomplish.

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Align in Pure Joy
Use this meditation to align your vibration in the energy of Joy! Remember your bliss & the gift of BEing human here on Earth! This video is channeled with Love from Sophia Christ Consciousness.

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Meditation to Lovingly Move Through Grief & Change
Loss & letting go are challenging, but necessary, parts of the human experience. As we move through these changes, the Love & Grace of Source Consciousness is here to guide us & support us with Divine compassion. Listen to this meditation whether you are actively in the midst of grief, loss & change, or whether you have old energies that you need to process.

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Receive Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness is the creator-energy of the Universe. Source Consciousness. Full of profound Love for All that is. We are all sacred parts of this vast Divinity. This meditation is to open your heart to accept the knowledge of this deep truth. To connect you more fully into the depths of your Divine BEing. Allow yourself to receive this precious gift & to have your life transformed!


Transform Your Circumstances Through Divine Love
This sacred meditation comes to us from Sophia Christ Consciousness, or Source Consciousness. Its powerful energy serves to transform our circumstances so that they come in to alignment with the power of Divine Love. When we are in the midst of external conflict, inner turmoil, or need a radical shift in our lives to bring us in to alignment, this meditation will serve to bring about the change & necessary shifts we need. Watch as often as you need to feel the incredible shifts of energy that are simply waiting to aid you in compassionate Love.

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