Benefits of the Planets
Each Planet has divine energy that can drastically transform our lives.
These are the benefits of working with each of the planets.
Taking action
Proceeding with purpose, in alignment with our Highest Self & our true calling
Overcoming energy blocks with the assertiveness of the Noble Warrior
Protecting our energy & establishing firm boundaries
The divine energy of Mars helps us with:
Moving with confidence & conviction
Breaking free of energetic restraints & asserting divine Sovereignty
Strengthening & trusting our instinct
Carrying out your Spiritual mission with resilience, bravery & perseverance
The divine energy of Saturn helps us with:
Mastering self-discipline
Experiencing success through hard work & determination
Overcoming our problems & strengthening our efforts when we encounter hardship
Learning how to integrate the 4th dimension of time & space into our spiritual experience as humans
Succeeding in business
Operating & living effectively in the modern human world
Understanding the spiritual benefits of the social, political & economic institutions that exist in our world
The Moon
The divine energy of The Moon helps us with:
Aligning with the cycles of all life on Earth & optimizing them for our advantage
Discovering hidden wisdom
Navigating our shadow & darkness to process hidden feelings, give them love & bring them into the light
Developing our innermost nurturing spirit - learning to care for all life with nurturing & tenderness
Connecting with our divine feminine natures
Deeply understanding the profound connection humanity has with the Moon
The divine energy of Jupiter helps us with:
Becoming open to receiving infinite joy & abundance
Allowing divine protection & nurturing
Acting on divine opportunities, overcoming them & mastering them
Connecting with the divine masculine
Discovering Universal expansiveness & infinite opportunity
Aligning with & creating space for the arrival of your twin flame, soulmates & spiritual community
Maintaining gratitude, optimism, hope & presence
The Sun
The divine energy of The Sun helps us with:
Operating fully in the exaltation of our Highest Self
Flowing freely & allowing whatever happens in our lives to just be - being flexible, resilient & able to take things as they come
Overcoming & healing our shadow Self - our fears, negative thoughts & limiting beliefs
Awakening fully as our spiritual Selves in human form
Being connected to the life-giving energy of Source
Being confident in your intuition & inner guidance
Having self-assurance, confidence & integrity
The Earth
The divine energy of The Earth helps us with:
Grounding your Higher Self into life on Earth
Experiencing life with presence & intention
Connecting with the healing energies of the plants, animals, ground & Earthly spirits who are celebrating & cheering on our spiritual awakening
Aligning with the elements & learning to work with them for our highest good
Healing our physical & emotional Selves
Learning the practices for healing the physical & emotional bodies of ourselves & others
Falling in love with the life you are here to live
The divine energy of Uranus helps us with:
Integrating & allowing for technology & innovation in your spiritual work
Exercising your creative power & independent free will
Liberating your thinking from external standards of control & expectation (such as social norms & conventional behaviors)
Moving freely into the next phase of existence without fear, insecurity, limitations or feelings of insignificance
Exploring infinite possibilities & outcomes
The divine energy of Pluto helps us with:
Teaching us to process grief & come to acceptance of the cycles of birth & death
Transforming & radically rebirthing into the next phase of our spiritual journey
Healing & evolving past the limitations that are keeping us from the realization of our manifest purpose
Releasing thoughts, fears & concerns about the past & future, & instead, living fully in the present
Recognizing the lessons we are being called to learn when things are not going our way
Ending our suffering
Finding strength in moving beyond our comfort zone
The divine energy of Pluto helps us with:
Understanding your relationship with mind-altering substances such as drugs & alcohol
Overcoming energetic blocks related to unprocessed trauma
Understanding your emotions & learning what they are teaching you
Traveling freely to alternate realities, dimensions, planets & realms to gain new insight & knowledge
Becoming an observer of all that is rather than feeling like you are being pushed around by forces outside of your control
Shifting your perspective to allow for the truth & validity of all viewpoints, including those that are completely different from your own
Finding infinite peace
The divine energy of Venus helps us with:
Understanding how you approach relationships
Creating space within your being for love & compassion towards others
Being able to heal, forgive & strengthen bonds with those who are here to teach you soul lessons (healing relationships, with family members, lovers, friends, employers, etc.)
Finding infinite love for every aspect of your Self, your human body & your divine sovereign being
Sparking your sensuality, sexuality & creative core
Coming into alignment with the energy of the New Universe
Celebrating love, pleasure & indulgence through experience with good food, luxury & the Arts
The divine energy of Mercury helps us with:
Understanding your purpose & the meaning of your earthly existence
Receiving & Integrating ancient knowledge
Comprehending the mysteries of the Universe
Receiving keycodes & energetic activations meant specifically for you
Mastering divine secrets of healing, creation & abundance
Linking your human personality to your Universal Self
Freely channel & impart divine messages from Spirit
Master trade, profit, boundaries & the material world
Expand your intelligence & thinking
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