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Benefits of the Planets

Each Planet has divine energy that can drastically transform our lives. 


These are the benefits of working with each of the planets.



  • Taking action

  • Proceeding with purpose, in alignment with our Highest Self & our true calling

  • Overcoming energy blocks with the assertiveness of the Noble Warrior

  • Protecting our energy & establishing firm boundaries

The divine energy of Mars helps us with:


  • Moving with confidence & conviction 

  • Breaking free of energetic restraints & asserting divine Sovereignty 

  • Strengthening & trusting our instinct 

  • Carrying out your Spiritual mission with resilience, bravery & perseverance



The divine energy of Saturn helps us with:

  • Mastering self-discipline

  • Experiencing success through hard work & determination

  • Overcoming our problems & strengthening our efforts when we encounter hardship

  • Learning how to integrate the 4th dimension of time & space into our spiritual experience as humans

  • Succeeding in business

  • Operating & living effectively in the modern human world

  • Understanding the spiritual benefits of the social, political & economic institutions that exist in our world


The Moon

The divine energy of The Moon helps us with:

  • Aligning with the cycles of all life on Earth & optimizing them for our advantage

  • Discovering hidden wisdom 

  • Navigating our shadow & darkness to process hidden feelings, give them love & bring them into the light

  • Developing our innermost nurturing spirit - learning to care for all life with nurturing & tenderness

  • Connecting with our divine feminine natures

  • Deeply understanding the profound connection humanity has with the Moon



The divine energy of Jupiter helps us with:

  • Becoming open to receiving infinite joy & abundance

  • Allowing divine protection & nurturing

  • Acting on divine opportunities, overcoming them & mastering them

  • Connecting with the divine masculine

  • Discovering Universal expansiveness & infinite opportunity

  • Aligning with & creating space for the arrival of your twin flame, soulmates & spiritual community

  • Maintaining gratitude, optimism, hope & presence


The Sun

The divine energy of The Sun helps us with:

  • Operating fully in the exaltation of our Highest Self

  • Flowing freely & allowing whatever happens in our lives to just be - being flexible, resilient & able to take things as they come

  • Overcoming & healing our shadow Self - our fears, negative thoughts & limiting beliefs

  • Awakening fully as our spiritual Selves in human form

  • Being connected to the life-giving energy of Source

  • Being confident in your intuition & inner guidance

  • Having self-assurance, confidence & integrity

The Earth

The divine energy of The Earth helps us with:

  • Grounding your Higher Self into life on Earth

  • Experiencing life with presence & intention

  • Connecting with the healing energies of the plants, animals, ground & Earthly spirits who are celebrating & cheering on our spiritual awakening

  • Aligning with the elements & learning to work with them for our highest good

  •  Healing our physical & emotional Selves

  •  Learning the practices for healing the physical & emotional bodies of ourselves & others

  •  Falling in love with the life you are here to live



The divine energy of Uranus helps us with:

  • Integrating & allowing for technology & innovation in your spiritual work

  • Exercising your creative power & independent free will

  • Liberating your thinking from external standards of control & expectation (such as social norms & conventional behaviors)

  • Moving freely into the next phase of existence without fear, insecurity, limitations or feelings of insignificance

  • Exploring infinite possibilities & outcomes



The divine energy of Pluto helps us with:

  • Teaching us to process grief & come to acceptance of the cycles of birth & death

  • Transforming & radically rebirthing into the next phase of our spiritual journey

  • Healing & evolving past the limitations that are keeping us from the realization of our manifest purpose

  • Releasing thoughts, fears & concerns about the past & future, & instead, living fully in the present

  • Recognizing the lessons we are being called to learn when things are not going our way

  • Ending our suffering

  • Finding strength in moving beyond our comfort zone



The divine energy of Pluto helps us with:

  • Understanding your relationship with mind-altering substances such as drugs & alcohol

  • Overcoming energetic blocks related to unprocessed trauma 

  • Understanding your emotions & learning what they are teaching you

  • Traveling freely to alternate realities, dimensions, planets & realms to gain new insight & knowledge

  • Becoming an observer of all that is rather than feeling like you are being pushed around by forces outside of your control

  • Shifting your perspective to allow for the truth & validity of all viewpoints, including those that are completely different from your own

  • Finding infinite peace



The divine energy of Venus helps us with:

  • Understanding how you approach relationships

  • Creating space within your being for love & compassion towards others

  • Being able to heal, forgive & strengthen bonds with those who are here to teach you soul lessons (healing relationships, with family members, lovers, friends, employers, etc.)

  • Finding infinite love for every aspect of your Self, your human body & your divine sovereign being

  • Sparking your sensuality, sexuality & creative core

  • Coming into alignment with the energy of the New Universe

  • Celebrating love, pleasure & indulgence through experience with good food, luxury & the Arts


The divine energy of Mercury helps us with:

  • Understanding your purpose & the meaning of your earthly existence

  • Receiving & Integrating ancient knowledge

  • Comprehending the mysteries of the Universe

  • Receiving keycodes & energetic activations meant specifically for you

  • Mastering divine secrets of healing, creation & abundance

  • Linking your human personality to your Universal Self

  • Freely channel & impart divine messages from Spirit

  • Master trade, profit, boundaries & the material world

  • Expand your intelligence & thinking

Which Planetary Papryi is right for you?

Take the Planetary Alignment Assessment here. Shop the Planetary Papryi here. 

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